David MacGillivray Construction Ltd came highly recommended to us. Always a good place to start!
In searching for words that speaks to our eco-house build experience with David and his team; the words we came up with are INTEGRITY, QUALITY, RELATIONSHIP, and COMMUNICATION. David held his contract price, despite Covid and Brexit related material price increases. He held his commitment to our Build timeframe – an incredible achievement, given material shortages, labour issues, and more. David is a fabulous listener; and he managed the relationship and communication aspects of our build really well. David and his team hold their reputation for quality craftmanship very close to their hearts; and our beautiful ‘work of art’ home showcases David’s Master Builder QUALITY and CRAFTMANSHIP at its finest.
We are thrilled to now be living in our cosy and beautiful eco home. With deepest gratitude to David and his team for the care, craft, quality and love they have invested into it.
We are pleased to be able to wholeheartedly recommend David and his team to you.
Robert Young